“As the natural stone fabrication industry grows, Braxton-Bragg Corp. continues to evolve so that we can provide the best value to our customers,” said Michael Pelehach, President and CEO of the company. “Our customers expect more, and we are prepared to provide them with solutions to help them improve productivity in their shops. The new logo and our new ad campaign bring attention to the fact that we are changing along with the demands of our customers.”
“The message we want our customers to get is ‘We are everything our customers love about Braxton-Bragg, and more.’ The new logo is a statement to the industry that Braxton-Bragg is committed to continuing to lead the way in value, productivity improvement and technology,” Pelehach continued.
Braxton-Bragg Corp. handles each customer based on the individual needs of the fabrication shop. “We don’t take a cookie cutter approach to handling our customers,” said Steve Spencer, Vice President of Sales. “Every shop runs into their own issues, so we train our salesmen to perform diagnostic selling. We find out what the difficult issues are facing each shop, and then apply our product line to help the fabrication shop improve productivity. A doctor doesn’t prescribe medication until he goes through the diagnostic process. We are training our salespeople to do the same thing.”
The updated look of the company will carry over to its new catalog, which is now available. “The catalog is a valuable tool for our customers, so we have changed the layout to make it more user friendly,” said Stacie Wingo, marketing coordinator. “The new logo is prominent in the catalog, but more importantly, we feature the products that our customers want.”
While the look is important, Pelehach stressed that the company is more than just a pretty face. “The logo defines our company, but our service defines our business,” he said. “That will always come first at Braxton-Bragg. We will continue to add value to what the fabrication shops are trying to achieve in their business. We are their partner in improving productivity. Improving the value chain is good for everyone in the industry, especially the consumer. That is what keeps them coming back to stone products.”