While we always strive to continually bring our readers, viewers and followers breaking news, information on trade shows and other industry events, as well as relevant stories to both the stone and tile industries, during the past few weeks we have made even greater effort to put together even more content. On the stone side, if you are part of our regular audience, then you know we recently presented profiles of quite a few amazing women in our industry. I thoroughly enjoyed working with each and every one of them to tell their story. But that type of coverage doesn’t have to end because Women’s Month is over. We would like to continue to shine a light on hardworking members of our industry. So look for more Fabricator Case Studies in the coming months.

On the tile side, we want to do the same. Our Contractor Spotlights are always well received, so we have plans to feature more dedicated tile installers who are willing to share their stories. There are already a few in the works, so stay tuned.

As you might or might not know, Jason Kamery and I record a monthly podcast with updates on industry happenings, as well as what we are working on for the coming weeks. Many times, we also end by encouraging industry members to reach out to us if they have a story they would like to share or other suggestions for an article. And I’m excited to say, it looks like people are listening! In the past few weeks, several industry members on both the stone and tile side have contacted me for Fabricator Case Studies, Contractor Spotlights, completed projects and other ideas. I cannot express enough how thrilled I am about this, and hope others will do the same. The more we all share ideas and experiences, the more we can all learn for the better of the industry as a whole.