RSG Stones has sponsored the 2025 Natural Stone Institute (NSI) Stone of the Year. Crystallo Rare is an extraordinary quartzite, renowned for its striking beauty and exceptional rarity.
Over 100 members attended NSI’s annual study tour, which took place in western Colorado, September 10th to 14th. Highlights of the event included a rare glimpse inside Colorado Stone Quarries’ historic Pride of America marble quarry and fabrication facility and a trip to the Gallegos stone yard and marble shop in Gypsum. During the Gallegos visit, attendees enjoyed a fun Poker Run activity featuring their suppliers.
The Natural Stone Insitute (NSI) will present a new CEU course “Natural vs. Manmade Materials: Interior Applications.” on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 11a.m. ET.
Voting for two open board seats (Restoration & Maintenance and Global/International) on the Natural Stone Institute (NSI) Board opened on Monday, October 17th and will close on Friday, October 28th.