If you are a regular reader of Stone World you know that we continually address ways to make your fabrication business more efficient and successful. We also stress the importance of safety in the shop. Communication with your employees is the best way to achieve all of these objectives. A team that works together and understands all of the procedures and company goals that are in place, will ultimately be the most productive and maintain a safe working environment.

In addition to employing a cooperative and driven staff, having the right equipment in place is also a key component to a successful business. While efficiency plays a significant role in the production process, having an environmentally friendly shop should also be a priority. A dust-free work space is especially critical these days with OSHA regulations tightening due to the fatal ramifications of inhaling silica particles. And recycling water not only keeps sludge out of your drains, but can also save on water bills.

As you flip through this edition of Stone World, you will see that there are several articles addressing water and dust filtration systems. Each is written by a leading manufacturer or distributor in this area of expertise. If you haven’t invested in one of these systems yet, it probably is worth the read. Some of the points covered are considerations to determine the right system for your shop, the difference between a filter press system and the traditional silo-style gravity decanter system and the pros and cons of each, and the differences between a wet and dry dust collection system. Just as every person possesses their own unique characteristics, so does each shop. Therefore, a system that might be perfect for one operation does not necessarily mean it will be right for you. Take the necessary steps to consider your shop’s needs, costs, etc., as well as talking with the various manufacturers, to help determine which system will benefit your shop the best.