Slabworks of Montana will host a two-day learning workshop for fabricators at its facility in Bozeman, MT. According to Dave Scott, owner of Slabworks of Montana and Stone World’s2017 Fabricator of the Year, they will be having fabricator learning modules each morning at the hotel, discussing different topics presented by SFA members. “This also gives my crews time to reload and get out of the shop,” said Scott. “We will have hands-on demonstrations at the shop after the morning sessions.”
Some of the morning sessions include, but not limited to, business metrics, employee issues, silica exposure, web ratings and social media, ROI on equipment and P/L to balance sheet and pricing examples. “I think the most important parts of the workshop are learning and contributing, as well as networking, seeing old friends and making new ones,” said Scott. “There will be people here that know more about topics than you or I do, and where do you get an opportunity to talk with people who do exactly what you do?”

In the afternoon, there will be several machine, technique and cutting demonstrations, including how to cut through sintered material. Some of the afternoon events include, a GMM Sirio demonstration, setup, prep and gluing of stone sinks, CNC tool measurements and a lesson from geologist Karin Kirk about identifying different stones.
Fabricators will be able to observe different tools in use, including Park, GMM, Pristine, Water Treatment Solutions, Slabsmith and AlphaCam.
Fabricators who are interested in joining can sign up on the SFA site, and click on the workshops tab. From there, fabricators can click on “Register” next to Slabworks of Montana.