Campolonghi Group of Massa, Italy, is utilizing specialized stoneworking machinery to fabricate 2.6 million square feet of Brazilian granite for the Dubai International Airport expansion in the United Arab Emirates. Included among Campolonghi's equipment is a multi-head sawing line from F. Meccanica.

The Pannafragola granite, which is quarried in Brazil by Mineracao Corcovado, was selected for its warm color. It was specified as 60- x 60-cm polished tiles.

The production line is equipped with a drier so that tiles leaving the line can be reviewed by quality-control specialists with optimum efficiency.

Tiles that do not fit the established range are removed from the line, although some can still be used on the project for areas where additional field cutting is required.

After being processed on the gangsaws, the stone then moves onto standard slab polishers, also from Barsanti Macchine.

The airport expansion is being completed in phases, with some sections being completed this year and others over the next few years.