ProLite's high performance and light weight make it ideal for setting large-format floor and wall tile without slumping or sagging. High flexibility and bond strength mean that ProLite is effective for installing a wide range of tile and stone, including ceramic and even difficult-to-bond-to porcelain and glass tile. ProLite is versatile and can be used as either a thin-set or medium-bed mortar.
Because it is formulated with CustomLite Technology, ProLite offers the same creamy consistency and preferred working characteristics that reduce installer fatigue and have made Custom's other lightweight products a favorite among tile professionals. With ProLite weighing up to 40 percent less than competitive, cement-based mortars, a 30-pound bag covers the same area as a 50-pound bag of traditional mortar, according to Custom Building Products. ProLite comes packaged with a built-in handle, making it easier to carry and use on the job.
Circle No. 295

The newest addition to ProSoCo's popular Stand Off® line of products for cleaning, care and maintenance of valuable interior stone, Stone Polish works on granite, marble, limestone - polished or unpolished - and most manufactured stone.
The easy-to-use protective treatment is suitable for both professional and consumer use. It requires no special protective gear or procedures. Simply dab Stone Polish on a lint-free cloth and gently rub it into the stone surface.
Stone Polish dries to touch in about an hour, and cures in 24 hours, leaving a beautiful high-gloss finish that resists scratching, scuffing and staining, and makes maintenance cleaning faster and more effective.
Circle No. 296