VITÓRIA, BRAZIL - A brand new concept in stone services has officially started in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Certified Supply Inspectors (CSI), a new business established in the city of Vitória, combines knowledge in the stone industry, experience in service operations and quality processes.

CSI stone services aim to fulfill the needs of companies importing stones from Brazil, reducing the risks and costs associated with the remote follow-up of the products being shipped. The company's concept reflects the combination of local expertise in stone evaluation, information technology, process management and an unbiased relationship with the market, building a unique service in the Brazilian stone industry.

CSI inspections are based on a set of technical parameters that can be configured by the customer and used as the objective criteria for product classification. Besides CSI classification and recommendations, the information provided allows the importers to make their own evaluation, properly negotiating with the supplier and enforcing the adequate adjustments, just as if they inspected the products themselves.