StonExpo 2007 will take place from October 18 to 20 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV (conference program takes place from October 17 to 20). StonExpo brings visitors face to face with leading industry suppliers delivering products and solutions to help grow and improve business.
StonExpo 2006 drew a record total attendance of 7,556, and the event drew stone fabricators from around the country and abroad, as well as installers, architects, designers, distributors, builders, retailers, and kitchen and bath specialists. Companies participating in StonExpo showcased the latest stone products, stoneworking machinery, tools, electronic and digital technology, stone maintenance products and more. A record 264 exhibiting companies participated in the show last year, and, very often, these companies use StonExpo as a platform for new product introductions.
This year, over 8,000 attendees are set to attend the show and visit the 300+ leading industry suppliers showcasing the latest stone products, machinery, tools and accessories.
New to the show floor this year is the addition of the New Product Pavilion, which will offer a look at some of the latest and most innovative stone products and accessories being introduced to the industry.
Education Programs
StonExpo delivers top-notch education with training and solutions that will help those in the industry run their business more profitably. The 2007 Conference Program is the largest ever, offering 44 courses in five targeted tracks - Business Management, Building/Design, Fabrication/Installation, Sales/Marketing and Care/Maintenance/Restoration - with timely topics presented by some of the industry’s best instructors, including several new faces that have been added to the StonExpo all-star lineup.
Additionally, two new and highly anticipated networking roundtable sessions have been added to the 2007 Educational Program, giving attendees the opportunity to “talk shop” with other conference attendees and key industry leaders on subjects that relate directly to the stone business. Roundtable sessions provide an ideal forum for exchanging ideas, discussing problems and finding solutions for businesses, and are available to all Conference Package Attendees.
In addition to its traditional workshops and conference sessions, StonExpo will once again feature its popular Stone LIVE! demonstrations. These up-close, how-to demos offer helpful and informative instruction on some of the industry’s most challenging stone installation techniques. These sessions will take place on the show floor and are free to all StonExpo attendees.
Industry networking
Towards the end of the expo’s second day, visitors will have a chance to relax and mingle with other stone professionals at the Industry Celebration, which is free to all StonExpo attendees, and will take place on Friday, October 19, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The StonExpo schedules is as follows:
Show Exhibit
Thursday, October 18 - 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday, October 19 - 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 20 - 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 17 - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 18 - 7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (Roundtable Discussion from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
Friday, October 19 - 7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (Roundtable Discussion from 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m.)
Saturday, October 20 - 7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Conference Program
Wednesday, October 17
9:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: Expanding and Transitioning Your Fabrication Shop
Speaker: Kenny Laymons – Stone Supermart, Inc., NE Palm Bay, FL
The decision to expand your shop takes careful planning and preparation. This workshop will walk you through a typical expansion process and the factors to consider when expanding an existing facility or moving locations. You will also learn how you can seamlessly transition shutting down one production facility and starting another without losing any time in between.
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Track: Building/Design
Title: The Geology of Dimensional Stone
Speakers: Michael Anson – StoneTech Professional, Walnut Creek, CA; Chuck Muehlbauer – Marble Institute of America, Cleveland, OH
Think you know all there is to know about stone? The geology of dimensional stone will be your road map to the origin and composition of natural stone. Discover how these two factors determine the characteristics of stone. You will review different types of natural stone and compare different classifications of stone. Separate the facts from fiction in this invaluable workshop for commercial and residential designers, architects, builders, specifiers, construction managers, fabricators and anyone working with natural stone.
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation (Heavy Commercial)
Title: Avoiding Design Disasters (Interior and Exterior Stone Cladding)
Speaker: Rodney Harvey – Curtain Wall Design & Consulting, Inc., Dallas, TX
This workshop will provide an overview of common interior and exterior veneer installation methods and terminology consistent with the new MIA Dimension Stone Design Manual. You will review examples of specific anchor types for varying substrates and anchorage conditions as well as critique commonly encountered architectural details from actual bid and construction documents. Samples of anchors and accessories will be available for review.
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: Implementing an Apprenticeship Program
Speakers: John Cogswell – Cogswell Stone, Palmyra, VA; Jim Hieb – Marble Institute of America, Cleveland, OH
What type of employee training program does your company have? Hear how one fabricator used a structured approach to build a formal apprenticeship program and how the program impacted morale, compensation, professionalism and employee stability. This seminar will highlight the steps necessary to develop and implement a program in your shop.
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Track: Sales/Marketing
Title: Building Your Competitive Advantage
Speaker: Lisbeth Calandrino – Peachtree Communications, Albany, NY
This interactive workshop will provide the tools necessary to define and build your competitive advantage. You’ll begin by asking yourself important questions about key areas of your business, such as “What can we do better than anyone else?” “What is the value of your brand?” “How do you effectively work with your customers and employees to build your advantage?” Lisbeth Calandrino will lead roundtable discussions to address these questions and more. This is a must for savvy business professionals looking to define and build an advantage in a competitive marketplace.
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: A to Z in Financial Management
Speaker: Bart Basi, Ph.D. – The Center for Financial, Legal & Tax Planning, Marion, IL
Understanding financial management is essential to operating a profitable business. Bart Basi will examine the essential concepts and applications of finance that are fundamental in making and understanding sound business decisions. This in-depth workshop provides a down-to-earth, clear understanding of virtually every financial report one may be exposed to in business, and it teaches you how to convert this knowledge into profit.
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: Occupational Safety Health and Your Bottom Line
Speaker: Ron Gilbert – Professional Safety Systems, Canton, IL
No topic brings greater concern to business owners than occupational safety health cost and the bottom line. The goal of this workshop is to review the potential profit that can be expected by implementing an effective safety program. You will learn how to identify your risks, understand the costs associated with those risks and help prioritize your loss exposure. Once you’ve examined these factors, you’ll work on establishing strategies for the development and implementation of effective safety programs. Don’t miss these important insights into Occupational Safety Health and your bottom line.
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Track: Building/Design
Title: Color, Light, Texture and Stone - Design Elements that SELL!
Speaker: Deborah Burnett, ASID – Design Services, Inc., Springfield, TN
Few people understand how and why design elements of color and light play an important role in determining the overall appeal and satisfaction of any completed project. Realize how artificial and natural light combine to either enhance or detract from the expected palette, and more importantly, the inherent colors found within stone. Explore the eye-opening world of dollar generating design elements, and see how you can translate this knowledge into projects that beat the competition hands down.
Thursday, October 18
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: Family Owned Business Management/Succession Planning
Speaker: Bart Basi, Ph.D.
Planning for a family owned company involves special tax and non-tax considerations. Many family owned companies fail to get to the next generation due to improper or lack of planning. The primary goal of this session is to provide you with the framework to build your business succession plan. Review estate tax laws, types of insurance, trusts, buy/sell agreements and more. This is a very informative workshop for any business owner.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m
Track: Sales/Marketing
Title: Marketing Strategies for Your Stone Business
Speaker: Martin Gould – Paradigm Communications & Marketing, Inc., Hollywood, FL
Advertising professor Jef Richards once said, “Creative without strategy is ‘art.’ Creative with strategy is called ‘advertising.’” Ever wonder why some stone companies succeed with their marketing campaigns while competitors struggle. Learn what it takes to have a successful marketing campaign while others struggle? In this seminar, Martin Gould teaches you what it takes to create a successful marketing strategy. Learn to advertise need vs. want, explore low-cost advertising through multimedia and how to successfully use the Internet to promote your business. Learn the art of marketing in this dynamic seminar.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: What You Should Know About Templating
Speaker: Kevin M. Padden – KM Padden, Pinal County, AZ
In this session, Kevin Padden covers the market’s three available digital templating options. You’ll discover the pros and cons of mechanical, laser and photogrammetry systems as they pertain to your business model. You’ll also discuss templating support documentation such as drawings, diagrams and pre and post-checklists. Become a more informed buyer. Attend this session for information that will assist you when you’re ready to buy.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m
Track: Building/Design
Title: Sustainable Design and Natural Stone
Speaker: Christine A. Subasic, P.E., LEED A.P. – C. Callista Subasic, Raleigh, NC
Sustainable design and green building are increasingly becoming the norm. Christine Subasic will discuss concepts of sustainable design and overview of the LEED Rating System. Learn about the sustainable attributes of natural stone, and how it can be used as part of a sustainable design in this informative session.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m
Track: Sales/Marketing
Title: Are You Leaving Money on The Table? - Coaching Your Customers on Stone Care
Speaker: Diane Davis Mecom – StoneTech Professional, Walnut Creek, CA
Understanding the care and maintenance of stone is a critical part of the selling process. Being able to explain these needs to the homeowner makes you a more valued professional and leads to more sales, referrals and money. Diane Davis Mecom passes on her tips for using the correct sealer, identifies maintenance products designed for stone and discusses restoration choices that are often not shared with the buyer.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m
Track: Business Management
Title: Getting Extraordinary Results from Ordinary People!
Speaker: Tom Shay – Profits+Plus Seminars, St. Petersburg, FL
Why do some business managers complain that they can’t find good people, while some maintain an extremely low turnover? The answer may lie with the person who’s assembling and managing the staff. In this session, Tom Shay shows you how to retain employees by getting extraordinary results from ordinary people. It will help you look at your current and future staff members in a whole new light.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m
Track: Business Management
Title: IRS Secrets You Should Know
Speaker: Lance Wallach – VEBA Plan, LLC, Plainview, NY
These are secrets every prudent business owner should know. Lance Wallach will teach you how to benefit from smart tax planning. You’ll learn strategies on how to avoid “red flags” and reduce the chances for an IRS audit. Better yet, you’ll learn about ways to pay less income tax and discover a deductible benefit plan where money comes out tax-free even before retirement. This seminar can save you thousands of dollars. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to turn business succession, asset protection and estate plans into tax deductions as well as reduce health insurance costs in this must-attend, interactive seminar.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m
Track: Sales/Marketing
Title: Gaining a Competitive Edge in Your Market
Speaker: Aaron Crowley – Crowley’s Granite Concepts, Inc., Tualatin, OR
This presentation identifies a highly effective process for developing a sales system that ensures your success in a competitive marketplace. Successful selling is more than a sales pitch or low price, it is a process. Learn how to develop a proven process that communicates the strength of your business and provides fair pricing. Whether your competition is large or small, developing and implementing an effective sales system can and will set your business apart.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: What Stone Fabricators Need to Know About Waterjet Technology
Speaker: Jim Belilove – Creative Edge, Fairfield, IA
The technical ability of waterjet to execute precision cuts in stone has revolutionized the industry. It allows fabricators to vastly improve their services, reduce costs and offer their customers detailed stone products never before possible. Jim Belilove will discuss the technical principles of the main elements of a waterjet system: pump, nozzle, abrasive delivery, control system and the X-Y table. You’ll also learn how to balance the cost considerations of owning a waterjet system versus purchasing waterjet services.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m
Track: Sales/Marketing
Title: Showroom Secrets of Outstanding Retailers
Speaker: Linda Steele – Stoneshop.com, Medford, NJ
A style-savvy showroom appeals to the senses; sight, sound, smell and touch. In this seminar, Linda Steele teaches small- to medium-sized retailers how to transform their stores into a favorite destination for their customers. You will learn proven strategies for using fast, easy and affordable tips to design your store for retail success by providing an enhanced customer experience!
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: Growing Your Small Shop with CNC Technology
Speaker: John Pardi – Komo Machine, Sauk Rapids, MN
Don’t dismiss CNC technology because of cost or the size of your business. First, ask yourself these questions: Does your business have a difficult time finding skilled stone fabricators? Have you been shut out from bidding on large projects because of delivery issues? John Pardi helps you examine your market and determine how you can make an impact with on-time delivery and present unique custom products that can help you compete effectively. If you are thinking about making the investment, this is a must attend session for you!
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: Installers Forum (1-4 years experience)
Speakers: Terry Isaminger (M) and Jimmy Isaminger - D.M.I. Tile and Marble, Inc., Birmingham, AL; Mark Lauzon, Kevin M. Padden
A core session offered each year to bring you the latest information pertinent to installers. Use this open forum to discuss a variety of topics related to your daily experiences. Discussion topics include well-written contracts to protect your post-installation, homeowners on the jobsite, seam placements and any other topics offered by the audience.
Friday, October 19
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Sales/Marketing
Title: 10 Easy Ways to Effectively Promote Your Business
Speaker: Kenny Laymons
Are you involved in your local Chamber of Commerce or Homebuilders Associations? If not, you should be. Do you know your customers, are they budget shoppers or quality buyers? What combination of advertising media do you currently utilize? Does your company have brand name recognition? Examine these and a host of other idea generating and creative ways to promote your business.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: Countertop Installation Failures and How to Avoid
Speaker: Kevin M. Padden
What causes failures in countertop installation? How can you avoid repairing or replacing a countertop due to structural damage? Leave with answers to these questions along with what to look for in a drawing, blueprint or jobsite inspection and how to effectively and cost efficiently manage a failure once it has occurred.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: The New Drivers of Profitability – How to Make More Money on Every Job
Speaker: Al Bates, Ph.D. – The Profit Planning Group, Boulder, CO
The objectives of this seminar are to review the “profit structure” of the stone industry, identify the two key profit pressure points for retailers and examine the special role of pricing in a margin-sensitive world. You will be provided with a detailed worktable for the future growth of your business. This is an invaluable session for any business owner.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: Using Stone in Wet Areas - Proper Substrate Preparation
Speaker: Don Halvorson - Forensic Tile Consultants, Thousand Oaks, CA
Installing stone and tile in wet areas offers beauty and durability, but only if done properly. When working with multi-surface materials, improper substrate preparation and membrane treatment are a few application processes that can cause your project to go awry without the proper installation knowledge. Learn how you can avoid costly repairs by spending more time understanding the preparation process.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: Reducing CHAOS and Increasing CASH in your Business
Speaker: Aaron Crowley
An inability to manage unexpected growth often leads to a loss of control resulting in lower profit margins, poor employee morale, costly mistakes, dissatisfied customers and ultimately, business failure. Let Aaron Crowley show you how to implement strategies that lead to more control and a consistent environment for employees, vendors, and most importantly, your customers. A well-established business management system helps you cope with growth, reduce chaos and reap the benefits of building a thriving business.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Care/Maintenance/Restoration
Title: Stone Care and Maintenance Forum
Speakers: David Bonasera – Environmentally Safe Products & Procedures,
San Jose, CA; George O’Regan – StoneTech Professional, Walnut Creek, CA; Joseph Salvo – Miracle Sealants Co., Arcadia, CA;Dave Corey (M) – Flooring Services, Ltd., Farmers Branch, TX
This interactive forum addresses the care, maintenance and restoration of natural stone. The discussion, led by industry experts, will include but is not limited to topics on crystallization, sealers, service estimates andwar-ranties. Active audience participation is highly encouraged.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Sales/Marketing
Title: Successful Selling for Today’s Stone Business
Speaker: Mark Lauzon – Stone Works of Oregon, Hubbard, OR
In this session, you will learn the basic methods of “Needs-Based Selling” and the psychology of how and why people buy things. Mark Lauzon breaks down this “real world” knowledge and applies it to the stone business. Learn powerful, practical tips that will help you close deals based on your knowledge of your customer’s needs instead of price alone. Don’t miss this opportunity to add to your bottom line without spending a dime on equipment or manpower.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: Software Investment for Your Countertop Business
Speakers: Pamela Bowe (Moderator) – The Bowe Co., Seattle, WA; Tabitha Bailey – Pyramid Marble & Granite, Effingham, IL; Harry Hollander – Moraware Software, San Mateo, CA
This panel discussion with an end-user, manufacturer and software consultant, will teach you the benefits of growing your business through software technology. Discussions will include the level of training required, various programs that are available and compatibility with other software technology (i.e. templating or CNC machines) you may currently own.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Building/Design
Title: World of Color
Speaker: Mark Woodman, CMG – Sherwin-Williams/Duron Paints, Beltsville, MD
Where do colors come from? From ancient to modern times, color has come from many, sometimes very surprising, sources. Whatever the source, inspiration is the key. You will journey through various examples, anecdotes and visuals. Be part of an “AHA moment” as you are led through the color spectrum, with stops at each hue. You will see the latest color trends for countertops, floors, interior, exterior and everything in between.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: Fabricators Forum
Speakers: Brian Briggs – Granite Guys, Inc., Ft. Pierce, FL; Matt Lansing – Stone Innovations, Inc., Plover, WI;Gasper (GK) Naquin (Moderator) – Stone Interiors, Loxley, AL
This open forum for fabricators allows you to share ideas and discuss opportunities and challenges facing you every day. Brian Briggs, Matt Lansing and Gasper Naquin lead the discussion on ways to improve workplace efficiencies, marketing efforts, employee-related issues, preparing for job-interviews and a host of other topics, including the ones you offer. You’re encouraged to participate by presenting your problems, sharing your ideas and offering solutions in a forum with your fellow fabricators.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation (Heavy Commercial)
Title: Natural Stone Problem Avoidance and Response (Heavy Commercial)
Speaker: Marlin Landry – Curtain Wall Design & Consulting, Inc., New Orleans, LA
This heavy commercial focused seminar will cover numerous preconstruction and installation problems. Some session highlights are anchorage design with options for fabrication and installation tolerance issues, ASTM stone properties and anchorage testing, replacement stone anchorage details, hand setting of stone to precast concrete, air freighting and other means of accelerating delivery of late material. Open discussion is highly encouraged.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: What It Takes To Be A 5-Star Business
Speaker: Tom Shay
Are you a five-star business? When was the last time you evaluated your business and the level of service being offered? Tom Shay will identify five key points for improving your business, and he will provide you with a self-evaluation complete with goal setting and deadlines as well as suggested reading for the business person who wants a more in-depth knowledge.
Saturday, October 20
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: Pricing Strategies for Countertops - Understanding Your Cost
Speakers: Gasper (GK) Naquin; Tony Malisani – Malisani, Inc., Great Falls, MT
To really understand your pricing you have to first understand your cost. A number of factors are often overlooked when proposing an estimate. Consider your raw material, taxes, freight and handling charges, duty fees and any other hidden charges. Do you often overlook labor wages, including taxes, medical insurance, vacation time and overhead cost? This seminar will give you a better understanding of your total cost, which will then result in an appreciation of your pricing.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: What’s Your ROI? Is Your Equipment Worth It?
Speakers: Dean Casad – Park Industries, Saint Cloud, MN; Rich Booms – Booms Stone Co., Redford, MI
Justifying an equipment purchase is a crucial decision that will affect your business for years. The success of your company, whether you’re a small or large fabrication shop, depends upon the reliability of your equipment. In this seminar, Dean Casad and Rich Booms review factors you need to consider when purchasing equipment and outline cost justification strategies for both small and large shops.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: The New Drivers of Profitability – How to Make More Money on Every Job
Speaker: Al Bates, Ph.D.
The objectives of this seminar are to review the “profit structure” of the stone industry, identify the two key profit pressure points for retailers and examine the special role of pricing in a margin-sensitive world. You will be provided with a detailed worktable for the future growth of your business. This is an invaluable session for any business owner.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: Fabricating Natural and Engineered Stone
Speaker: Duane Naquin – Stone Interiors, Gaston, SC
Specifically targeting fabricators of both engineered and natural stone, this session is ideal for those who are new to the stone industry or for those needing a refresher course. Duane Naquin will review the advantages and disadvantages of working with both types of materials. Learn about functionality, affordability, durability, finishes, restoration and a host of other topics.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Care/Maintenance/Restoration
Title: A Profitable Way to Diversify Your Business
Speaker: Tom McNall – Great Northern Stone, Huron Park, ON, Canada
What if your fabrication business offered restoration? What are the advantages of diversifying your business? Tom McNall asks these and other thought-provoking questions that only you can answer based on your unique situation, then through analysis, gives suggestions on where these answers could take you in the future.
7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: The Digital Difference
Speaker: Mark Lauzon
Digital marketing, job tracking, templating, digital layout and part nesting, digital cutting, digital processing - these are invaluable methods for today’s stone fabricators and installers. Mark Lauzon discusses each of these methods and how to incorporate a complete digital system into your stone fabrication business. A 100% digital model can increase efficiency, profit and organization in your stone business. Learn why and how, in this informative seminar.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Business Management
Title: Taking Control of Your Business (Distributor)
Speaker: Al Bates, Ph.D.
Distributors produce reasonable levels of profits. However, they have the potential to produce much more. This session will discuss how to move from typical to high-profit results. A central theme of the session will be that distributors need to focus on the issues that really drive performance. The program will identify what those factors are and how they can be improved. This presentation will walk through every aspect of the distributor’s business - sales, gross margin, expenses, inventory and accounts receivable. It will help companies develop specific goals in each area that will combine to produce a higher level of profits. It will also identify how to reach those goals.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Sales/Marketing
Title: 30 Take-Away Ideas
Speaker: Jim Eckberg – Park Industries, Saint Cloud, MN
Get your business moving with a few easy, inexpensive, marketing ideas. Presented in layman’s terms, hear how to apply simple guerilla marketing tactics to help you sell products at higher profits. Attendees will be given an opportunity to share their own tricks and tips. Energize your marketing today with targeted solutions from this motivational seminar.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: Improving Shop Layout - Managing an Efficient Shop
Speakers: Steve Baker & Matt Zink - Park Industries, Saint Cloud, MN
Well-designed fabrication shops have one thing in common, they meet their fabrication needs economically and efficiently. Whether you are remodeling an existing facility, converting a building or constructing a new shop from the ground up, getting maximum efficiency for minimum cost is not easy. This seminar will help you improve your shop’s operation through better work flow efficiency, careful planning and a clear understanding of your operations.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Fabrication/Installation
Title: High-Volume Production (200 Countertops/Month)
Speaker: Duane Naquin
High-volume fabrication varies from one shop to the next. In this seminar you will learn what’s required to produce 200 countertops per month. What kind of changes will you make to your facility and equipment prior to expansion? Leave knowing how to calculate additional cost prior to moving into high-volume production.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Building/Design
Title: Hot! New Stone Trends
Speaker: Cathleene Fought – UGMC, Santa Fe Springs, CA
In today’s creative environment, finding newer and savvier design ideas is extremely important in fulfilling your customers’ needs and growing your business competitively. In this session learn about new surface treatments for contemporary, casual and classic designs for both indoors and out. You’ll gain a better understanding of the latest stone design trends in order to provide your customers with a more meaningful buying experience and therefore exceed their expectations. Discover what countries or quarries will provide distinctive raw materials necessary to meet the most discerning consumer demands. Learn how design ideas transcend applications and where to source for exotic stones and more.
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Track: Care/Maintenance/Restoration
Title: Stone Restoration Basics (1-4 years experience)
Speaker: Rod Sigman – Aqua Mix, Inc., Corona, CA
The stone industry has experienced tremendous growth over the last several years, but carving your niche in the industry can be challenging. This seminar is for the beginner and intermediate professional wanting to learn about stone refinishing with a primary focus on floor restoration. Key subjects covered will be mechanical vs. chemical restoration; including diamond pads, polishing compounds, honing powders, crystallization and essential terminology. The session will review each process, its benefits and limitations.
Stone LIVE!
Thursday, October 18
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Hand-Chiseled Countertop Edging
Presented by: Kevin Padden
Learn chiseling techniques that will help you create beautiful “Hand-Chiseled” edges. See how to do inside corners, end turns and perform chiseling techniques that a machine just can’t do. This session is a must if you are new to stone fabrication.
1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Using Waterjet Technology for Countertop & Floor Installations
Presented by: Jon Namba and Robert Sawyer
With the increased usage of natural stone in the home for both floors and countertops, this session is a must to learn creative uses with stone that go beyond the standard installations. Using waterjet technology can tremendously enhance your design capabilities, giving more unique options to your customers. No additional overhead cost for equipment and more money for you!
• Leave with creative ideas for countertops and floors
• Proper substrate preparation and installation
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Countertop – Measuring & Installation
Presented by: Radtke Tile & Marble, Inc.
Products donated by: Regal Sinks
This demonstration will cover everything you need to know from jobsite preparation to actual installation. Measuring, leveling, book matched joints and farmhouse sink installation will all be covered as well as layouts of backsplash cutouts. Proper caulking, gluing seams and sealing countertops will also be reviewed.
• Measuring and leveling
• Seaming countertops
• Installation of farmhouse sink
Friday, October 19
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Countertop – Measuring & Installation
Presented by: Radtke Tile & Marble, Inc.
Products donated by: Regal Sinks
This demonstration will cover everything you need to know from jobsite preparation to actual installation. Measuring, leveling, book matched joints and farmhouse sink installation will all be covered as well as layouts of backsplash cutouts. Proper caulking, gluing seams and sealing countertops will also be reviewed.
• Measuring and leveling
• Seaming countertops
• Installation of farmhouse sink
1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Sealing Tile & Natural Stone
Presented by: Joseph Salvo
This presentation will demonstrate how to apply impregnators to tile and natural stone on various substrates. You will see before and after samples and how to remove residue when over applied. Products used will include both solvent-based and water-based products.
• How to apply impregnator
• What can be used to apply impregnator?
• How to remove residue when an impregnator is over applied
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Using Waterjet Technology for Countertop & Floor Installations
Presented by: Jon Namba and Robert Sawyer
With the increased usage of natural stone in the home for both floors and countertops, this session is a must to learn creative uses with stone that go beyond the standard installations. Using Waterjet technology can tremendously enhance your design capabilities, giving more unique options to your customers. No additional overhead cost for equipment and more money for you!
• Leave with creative ideas for countertops and floors
• Proper substrate preparation and installation
Saturday, October 20
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Sealing Tile & Natural Stone
Presented by: Joseph Salvo
This presentation will demonstrate how to apply impregnators to tile and natural stone on various substrates. You will see before and after samples and how to remove residue when over applied. Products used will include both solvent-based and water-based products.
• How to apply impregnator
• What can be used to apply impregnator?
• How to remove residue when an impregnator is over applied
1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Hand-Chiseled Countertop Edging
Presented by: Kevin Padden
Learn chiseling techniques that will help you create beautiful “Hand-Chiseled” edges. See how to do inside corners, end turns and perform chiseling techniques that a machine just can’t do. This session is a must if you are new to stone fabrication.
Additional Activities
New! Roundtable Discussions
Thursday, October 18, 12:00 p.m to 1:00 p.m.
Friday, October 19, 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m.
This roundtable offers the opportunity to “talk shop” with other conference attendees and key industry leaders on subjects that relate directly to your business. Join us for one of the most anticipated events of the Conference Program. These two Networking Roundtable sessions provide a perfect forum for exchanging ideas, discussing problems and finding solutions for your business. Roundtable discussions are free and open to Conference Package attendees only. You must register to attend, and space is limited so register early.
The World of Stone Tiles
Thursday, October 18 - Saturday, October 20
Times: TBD
Speaker: Grazia Signori, Centro Servizi Marmo
The “world” of tiles is quite broad and includes: natural stone dimension tiles, agglomerated stone dimension tiles, terrazzo tiles and ceramic tiles. Italy has a longstanding tradition of using tiles. In this session, we look forward to sharing this accumulated knowledge and highlighting how the specific properties of a given tile can make a difference in a project. Free to all StonExpo attendees. All sessions will take place on the show floor.
Industry Celebration!
Friday, October 19, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
After two busy days at StonExpo getting the education you need and seeing all the latest stone products, it’s time to relax and mingle with other stone professionals at the StonExpo 2007 Industry Celebration. Enjoy beer and sodas on the show floor while you continue to meet with exhibitors and network with your peers. Free to all StonExpo attendees.
MIA Member Gala Reception
Thursday, October 18, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
After a busy day on the show floor, join fellow MIA members for a gala reception including hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine, soft drinks and lots of door prizes. Open to MIA members only. Registration required. Free admission.
MIA Awards Luncheon
Friday, October 19, 12:15 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The annual MIA Awards Luncheon will honor 2007 Migliore Lifetime Achievement recipient, as well as the winning projects of the “Rocky” Advertising Awards and the esteemed MIA Pinnacle Awards competition(s). Enjoy lunch and help honor some of the great examples of the excellent work MIA members are doing on a regular basis. The luncheon is included with an MIA package or can be purchased separately. Cost: $65 (member); $75 (non-member)
Advantages of MIA Accreditation
Friday, October 19, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Speakers: Scott Lardner, Rocky Mountain Stone Co.; Tony Malisani, Malisani, Inc.
Accreditation is the buzzword in the industry. Since the launch in spring 2007, well over 100 companies are working through the 3-step process to become accredited fabricators or achieve one of two accredited commercial designations. Find out more about the accreditation program and how your firm can benefit from this new quality designation. Free to all StonExpo attendees.
MIA Annual Business Meeting and Member Briefing
Thursday, October 18, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Speakers: MIA President Jack Seiders and the MIA Board of Directors
There are more resources available from your industry association than ever before –accreditation, publications, consumer resources and much more. Attend the annual business meeting and member briefing to hear a report from your Board of Directors and to catch up on the latest from the Marble Institute. The MIA member gala reception will follow. Free admission and only open to MIA members.
How Branding “Genuine Stone” Can Work for Your Business
Friday, October 19, 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Speakers: Craig Kurvers, Park Industries and Steve McKee, McKee Wallwork
Nature makes no excuses, puts on no disguises, hides nothing and never settles for less than the real thing. Genuine Stone™ - the brand that’s true to you! Learn more about how Natural Stone Council’s “Genuine Stone” branding initiative will impact the stone industry. Find out how you can incorporate your company into this comprehensive multimedia campaign and use the “Genuine Stone” brand name. Free to all StonExpo attendees.