CLEVELAND, OH - The Marble Institute of America, Inc. (MIA) recently announced the winner of its Natural Stone Scholarship Award - Rachel Crickenberger, stone consultant for CogswellStone of Palmyra, VA.
Crickenberger’s selection was based on a 500-word essay explaining her commitment to the natural stone industry and why she desires to continue with her career in the industry. Her entry was also accompanied by a letter of recommendation from her employer.
The education scholarship covered travel expenses to StonExpo 2006, which was held from November 9 to 11, 2006, in Las Vegas, NV. “CogswellStone has led me to become the knowledgeable and friendly dimensional stone consultant that the company entrusts to take care of their clients,” Crickenberger said. “The completed dimensional stone sales process is my commitment to the natural stone industry. My hope is to continue to inform myself of any new information available about dimensional stone. This will be essential to my career.”
In a letter of recommendation, Rachel’s manager stated, “Rachel has put in a lot of time that other sale people don’t care to do, which is why she is an asset to our company. It is this commitment that makes me think she would be an excellent candidate for the MIA scholarship.”
“The Marble Institute of America is excited to recognize Rachel’s commitment to the natural stone industry,” stated Gary Distelhorst, executive vice president of MIA. “The intent of the MIA Natural Stone Scholarship Award is to provide educational opportunities for aspiring natural stone professionals, and the opportunity to expand one’s knowledge.”
Crickenberger was recognized at the MIA Awards luncheon in Las Vegas on November 10, 2006.
News: MIA Natural Stone Scholarship Award granted