Based in Montignoso, Massa, Italy, Bonotti Esportazioni srl has become a specialist in producing tiles, and in addition to marble varieties from the Carrara region and beyond, it processes granite from around the world.
When visiting the factory of Bonotti Esportazioni srl in Montignoso, Massa, Italy, the most obvious aspect of the facility is the two complete Breton tile lines for marble and granite. But also noticeable are quality-control specialists at the end of each production line, who ensure that the stone tiles being packaged meet the company's high standards.

The company has two complete tile lines from Breton S.p.A. of Italy. For granite processing, stone is polished using a Levibreton that is equipped with 18 polishing heads and abrasives from Tenax S.p.A.

During the production process, billets - or strips - of stone are delivered to the line using robotic vacuum lifters from Breton.

Quality control is a critical part of the production process, and supervisors carefully monitor products before they are packaged and shipped.

When processing marble, Bonotti relies on a Levibreton KFM, which is equipped with 12 polishing heads.

Tiles are produced in a number of sizes, although the most popular dimensions are 12 x 12 and 18 x 18 inches.