The exhibition will feature a broad range of companies exhibiting the full spectrum of natural stone products as well as fabricating equipment and accessories, and installation and maintenance products. Of particular interest to fabricators, many of the machinery producers will have large-scale equipment on display at the event, so attendees can see the equipment in operation. Additionally, many of the hand tools will also be operating on the show floor, allowing visitors to actually get a hands-on feel for the equipment. As a result of the quality attendance and the effort by the exhibitors, StonExpo has routinely been a forum where equipment is sold on the spot.
Cornerstone Forum
In addition to the exposition, the MIA will be presenting its Cornerstone Forum series of seminars, which have drawn solid attendance over the years. The 2001 edition of this series is one of the most diverse yet, with the following sessions planned:Thursday, November 15, 2001
Forum 10 -- 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Designing a Stone Fabrication Shop
Are you opening a new stone shop or moving an existing one? What are the best shop layouts and configurations? What power requirements will you need? How about location regulations concerning disposal of slurry and wastewater? This seminar will give you the information you need to make sure the design of your new shop runs smoothly and efficiently. Feel free to bring your plans for the speaker to review during this presentation.
Speaker: Keith Graves, HE Satterwhite Inc
Forum 11 -- 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Waterproof Installations with Natural Stone
This session will teach you how to design quality, waterproof stone installations. It will cover stone and material selection as well as the latest in waterproofing technology for interior and exterior stone applications and how to prevent infectious mold growth in these installations. The speaker will also discuss waterproofing failures and methods for reducing your liability.
Speaker: Daryl Ball, Noble Co.
Forum 12 -- 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Put a Touch of Science in your Business: Understanding Stone from Formation to Facade and Beyond
Dr. Claude C. Rust returns to StoneExpo with his popular and informative presentation about the origin, age, mineralogy and charisma of dimension stone. This seminar is a hands-on demonstration and exercise in identification of the common minerals found in almost all stones. Rudimentary knowledge of stone components is the foundation to understanding stone behavior and performance and is essential to intelligent stone selection. Each participant will receive a comprehensive manual, a beautiful set of the common minerals, a quality hand lens and other items necessary to continue mineral identification at home or the office. Learn how to impress your clients or colleagues and demonstrate your stone expertise. Register early. Limited to 50 attendees. This session will also be conducted on Friday morning at 8:30 a.m.
*AIA credits available
Speaker: Dr. Claude C. Rust, Geologist
Forum 13 -- 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Buyers Bill of Rights for Purchasing Capital Equipment in the Stone Industry
Are you ready to move up to a CNC or a larger saw? If so, you may want to wait until you attend this seminar. This seminar will provide you with what you should expect from a supplier from initial contact through the entire life cycle of the machine you purchase. Real needs assessment, financial aspects and payback analysis, maintenance, operation, service requirements, machine life cycle, process efficiency improvements, and lease-or-buy considerations will all be discussed.
Speakers: Steve Flynn and Dale Schleppenbach, Park Industries, Inc.
Forum 14 -- 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Sealers, Impregnators and Consolidants
The use of stone impregnators is increasing, and many times they are not understood. Misapplication is often the reason these materials fail. This seminar will present the information you will need to understand how these sealers and impregnators work. When and where to use a stone consolidant will also be discussed.
Speaker: Dave Boyer, ProSoCo, Inc.
Friday, November 16, 2001
Forum 20 -- 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Put a Touch of Science in your Business: Understanding Stone from Formation to Facade and Beyond
Repeat seminar; refer to description from Thursday.
Forum 21 -- 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Understanding Setting Mortars and Substrates
Have you ever had a stone installation fail due to de-bonding or what you thought to be faulty setting material? If so, then this seminar is a must. Understanding setting mortars, how they react to substrates, and how they cure are critical for any installer. This seminar will discuss setting mortars, including hydration of cement and how it pertains to substrates; surface preparation and bonding; dynamics of flexible bonding mortars; and advanced generation cement technology available for bonding stone.
Speaker: David Hamilton, Mapei Corp.
Forum 22 -- 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Natural Stone Characteristics -- Protection, Maintenance & Restoration
The seminar offers key information on the protection, maintenance and restoration of natural stone, tile and terrazzo. The speaker will supply insight into the characteristics of natural stone, including quarry techniques, processing techniques, installation challenges, protection, maintenance and restoration techniques, and will discuss the many theories and myths that often create problems and failures.
*AIA credits available
Speaker: Joe Salvo, Miracle Sealants
Forum 23 -- 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Technology and Equipment for Stone Processing
This seminar is specifically designed to show the great variety and versatility of stone and the latest fabrication techniques for efficient processing. It brings together current recommenda-tions and methods for the selection of different marble, granites, slate and other stones according to their applications. It will also review the variety of options available today for stone processing, including the methods and technology to produce or finish slabs, cut-to-size work, mosaics, flooring and cladding.
Speaker: Paolo Marone, Italian Trade Commission
Forum 24 -- 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Interior Stone Restoration Forum
How do you hone and polish a floor containing both polished marble and granite? Can iron stains be removed from white marble? These are only a few of the problems that will be dealt with in this question-and-answer format. Bring your toughest questions, and this panel of experts will help you solve your most difficult stone restoration problems.
Speakers: Frederick M. Hueston, The National Training Center for Stone and Masonry Trades, and Dayron Paddila, Perfect Marble
Forum 25 -- 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Specifying Stone - What Can and Will Go Wrong
Should the stone mock-up or sample act as the standard for the entire installation? If not, how does an installer or supplier write a specification? What other specifications need to be included? Most importantly, who is responsible for the proper specification? The MIA's Technical Director handles these questions on a daily basis and will share his knowledge on this and other topics.
Speaker: Vincent Migliore, Technical Director, Marble Institute of America
Saturday, November 17, 2001
Forum 30 -- 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Stone Fabrication -Techniques and Tips
This session is designed for the experienced fabricator or for those interested in more advanced techniques. This panel of experienced fabricators will provide many useful tips and techniques that have taken them years to develop. From slab selection to templating to edge profiling, you won't want to miss this informative seminar.
Speakers: Richard Booms, Booms Stone Company, and Keith Graves, H.E. Satterwhite
Forum 31 -- 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
The Art and Science of Estimating - Stone Fabrication
Many fabricators have asked, "How do I estimate and value my work?" This seminar will assist you in developing the most appropriate estimating system for your business -- one that is fair, profitable and competitive. This session is an overview of a cost-based approach to pricing dimensional stone work in today's market.
Speakers: Scott Lardner, Rocky Mountain Stone, and Monica Gawet, Tennessee Marble Co.
Forum 32 -- 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Stone Cladding Principles
How do you properly anchor large stone panels? Can 12- x 12-inch tiles be applied with direct adhesive, or do they need to be mechanically anchored? Many exterior and interior stone cladding installations are doomed to fail because they have not been designed properly. Design criteria such as deflection, dimensional tolerances, joint size and anchor types will all be discussed.
* AIA credits available
Speakers: Joe Kapcheck, Kapcheck Stone, and Vincent Migliore, MIA Technical Director
Forum 33 -- 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Historic Stone Restoration
The restoration of historic stone surfaces is slightly different then normal stone restoration. Do you know the differences between preservation, restoration and rehabilitation? What is the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Preservation, Restoration and Re-habilitation? Are there any special restoration techniques that can be used to restore historic stone? This seminar will introduce you to historic stone restoration and what you will need to know to enter this exciting field.
* AIA credits available
Speaker: Frederick M. Hueston, The National Training Center for Stone and Masonry Trades
Forum 34 -- 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Stone Countertop Fabrication Forum
To rod or not to rod? How do you make a seam invisible? Does my shop really need a radial arm polisher? What is the best way to polish an ogee edge? The industry's top experts in stone fabrication will help answer these questions and more. This forum is designed to let you ask the tough questions, so bring your questions and problems.
Speakers: Richard Booms, Booms Stone Company, and Keith Graves, H.E. Satterwhite.
StonExpo/MIA Convention Schedule of Events
Wednesday, November 147:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
StonExpo Board of Trustees Meeting
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Registration desk open
11:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Marble Institute of America Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, November 15
7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Registration desk open
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Cornerstone Forum Seminars
9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
StonExpo 2001 Exhibit Hall open
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Marble Institute of America Annual Membership Meeting
11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Marble Institute of America Awards Luncheon
4:30 p.m.
Stone World Technological Achievement Award Presentation
Friday, November 16
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Registration desk open
8:00 a.m. - 9:30 am
Marble Institute of America Board of Directors Meeting
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Cornerstone Forum Seminars
9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
StonExpo 2001 Exhibit Hall open
Saturday, November 17
7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Registration desk open
8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Cornerstone Forum Seminars
9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
StonExpo 2001 Exhibit Hall open
StonExpo 2001 Exhibitor List
A. Lacroix et Fils Granit LteeADC Dommel U.S., Inc.
AF Agencies, Inc.
AGM Imports
Akemi North America, Inc.
Alpha Professional Tools
America Antique Stone
American Woodworking Equipment Distributors
Ancor Granite Tile Inc.
Architectural Granite & Marble, Inc.
ASM c/o The Burnden Group PLC
Auto 'V' Grooving Inc.
Axson North America, Inc.
Barranca Diamond Products, Inc.
Barre Granite Association
Bergman-Blair Machine Corp.
Bicknell Supply Co.
BLS Enterprises
Bombieri & Venturi/The Cutting Edge of Diamond Blades, Inc.
Bonstone Materials Corp.
Braxton Bragg Corp.
Breton S.p.A.
BVH Gregg Inc.
Cam Tech Industries Inc.
Cargotec, Inc.
Cee Jay Tool Company, Inc.
Chariot International
Chungwoo Co., Ltd.
CMS North America/Brembana
Cold Spring Granite Co.
Color Rite, Inc.
Compliance Systems, Inc.
Consolidated Diamond
Contemporary Stone & Tile Design
Continental DIA Diamond Products, Inc.
Creative Tile Marketing, Inc.
Custom Building Products
Dakota Granite Co.
Derusha Supply, Inc.
Diamant Boart, Inc. -- Stone Division
Diamax Industries Inc.
Diamond Productions Canada, Ltd.
Dimas Industries
Dimensional Tools & Supply
Diniz Granite Imports, Inc.
Disco-Sea America, Inc.
Dongsin North America
Dynasty Marble (USA) Inc.
Eastern Marble & Granite Supply, Inc.
Elberton Granite Association, Inc.
Elegant Marble & Granite
Engineered Stone Supplies
ETemplate Systems Tri-Tech Solutions, Inc.
Euro Supply Ltd.
Falcon Diamond Tools, U.S.A.
Fond Du Lac Stone
Fratelli Poggi
G & L Marble, Inc.
Glaze 'N Seal
Gramil - Granitos e Marmores Itapemirim Ltda.
Granicor Inc.
Granite City Tool Co.
Great Wall Granite & Natural Stones Corp.
Groves Incorporated
Halmar Trade
Han Dong Stontech Inc.
Hard Rock Tool
High Tech Stone, Inc.
HMK Stone Care System
IMC, Inc.
IMER U.S.A., Inc.
Indiana Limestone Institute
Inter Stone Supplies, LLC
International Marble and Granite
International Masonry Institute
Internazionale Marmi e Macchine Carrara S.p.A.
Italdiamant USA, Inc.
Italian Trade Commission - Associazione Marmomacchine
Jobsite Magazine
Johnson Marble Machinery Inc.
KB Diamond
Keys Granite, Inc.
Laser Products Industries
Laser Quarry, Inc.
Laticrete International, Inc.
LeasePro Corporation
Leasing Advantages
MAP Mineracao Alto Das Pedras Ltda.
Marble & Granite Service
Marble Institute of America
Marble of the World
Margran Associates Inc
Marmo Meccanica USA
Marmol Export USA
Marmomacchine - Promorama
Matrix Stone Products
Midwest Tile Marble & Granite
Miracle Sealants Co.
Mureks Inc.
Mystic Granite & Marble
National Mining Corp.
Ocean Diamond Tools Corp.
Officine Meccaniche Engineering S.p.A.
Ontario Ministry of Northern Development & Mines
Park Industries
Pearl Abrasive Co.
Professional Transport Systems Inc.
ProSoCo, Inc.
Pyramid Supply
Regent Products, Inc.
Rock of Ages Corp.
Rossini Marble Supply Inc
Rowan Granite Quarry Inc./Impala Granite Co., Inc.
Rubi Tools USA, Inc.
S. K. Group
Santa Barbara Sandstone
Sawing Systems Inc.
Schl?ter Systems L.P.
Sierra Nevada Diamond Inc.
Sierra Tool & Abrasive
Sinai International for Marble and Granite
SM Diamond Tools, Inc.
Software Enterprises, Inc.
Specialty Raised Flooring, Inc.
SRI Marble and Granite
Stewart Manufacturing
Stocon Fasteners Ltd.
Stoll Enterprises
Stone & Glass Technologies
Stone Boss Industries/IMC
Stone Care International
Stone Depot USA
Stone Land Design
Stone World
StoneMar, Stone & Marble Co.
stone-sales.com Ltd.
StoneTech Professional, Inc.
Stonewall Materials Inc.
Suhner Industrial Products
Superior Adhesives, Inc.
Suzhou Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd. (Group) China
TEI - TS - Stone & Tile Laboratory
Tenax USA, LLC
Terzago Macchine srl
Texas Diamond Tools, Inc.
The National Training Center for Stone & Masonry Trades
The Noble Company
The Structural Slate Co.
Tile & Marble By Brastile
Tile EZE
Triple Crown Products
Tyrolit Vincent S.p.A.
U S Granite Inc. Machinery Division
U.S. Terra Corp.
Verona Marble Company
VIC International Corp.
Viking Explosives & Supply, Inc.
VMC Technical Assistance Corp.
Vytek (Vinyl Technologies)
W. F. Meyers Co., Inc.
WEHA - Ludwig Werwein GmbH
Western America Granite
Windy Ridge Corporation
Wood's Powr-Grip Co., Inc.
Z. Bavelloni USA Inc.
Zagram Canada Ltee.
Zaijian Decorative Material Co.
Stone World to present Technological Achievement Award
Since 1987, a committee of stone industry veterans has worked together to select the winners of the Stone World Magazine Technological Achievement Award. The award, which is given to a North American stone quarrier or fabricator, is based on the following criteria:* cooperativeness in sharing technology with the industry
* willingness to pioneer the use of new technology
* fostering educational programs for the training of stoneworkers in industry methods
* promoting technological progress through association work
The award will be presented on Thursday, November 15, at 4:30 p.m.