Pavers & Planters
The most beautiful and exquisite collection in all America of a family of marbles, limestones and travertines are proprietary stones of Marmoleria Gallos. Governed by the company´s motto : “We can do it†and proven by the broadbase products we do - from flat surfaces in any finish to pavers, mosaics, hand sculptured, planters, columns, sinks, window sills, fireplace surrounds, cut-to-size and more - we have the capability and know how to quickly supply premium products
Marmoleria Gallos S. A.
Lima 5, PERU
(511) 332-0070, 332-0003 Fax: (+511) 332-8732
Email: hdq@gallosmarmol.com.pe, sales@gallosmarmol.com.pe,
Booth # 3071