Stone World Magazine Podcasts

Katie Jensen One-on-One

Katie Jensen discusses her time in the industry and the different programs that have been out there to help women.

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SW: So if you don't mind, in case people didn't listen to the first podcast, give us a little refresher on your background and a little about Triton Stone.

KJ: Yeah, absolutely. I founded Triton Stone in 2006, along with my family. We are headquartered in New Orleans. We now have 32 locations across 17 states comprised of slab and tile, showroom galleries. We have fabricator supply centers and some regional distribution centers. We import and distribute, natural stone sinks, tiles and tools.

I really always enjoy coming on your podcast, especially the first one, and I am so excited for this one.

SW: So March is Women's History Month, and we wanted to highlight you because you do so much for the industry. We especially want to talk about a big one recently, which is the Women in Stone Pioneer Award. First off, congratulations on winning that!

KJ: Oh, thank you so much. I was honestly so humbled by it. The award and the Institute put together such a lovely kind of recap of people and women that that I've impacted and helped grow throughout the year. So it was really awesome.