Brachot-Hermant has created an advanced production process to calibrate natural stone slabs to a thickness minimum of 10 mm with its Calibrato[r] collection. Slabs are uniformly calibrated to thicknesses from 10 to 78 mm, ensuring that each slab seamlessly fits the next, according to the company. And due to the light weight of the material, installation of the natural stone is quicker and easier. Panels do not need to be anchored -- it is sufficient to glue them on a support such as wood, metal or concrete, report Brachot-Hermant. Calibrato can be used for all interior and exterior designs, and the collection can be especially useful for boats and mobile homes, where weight of a material plays a factor. Additionally, the Calibrato procedure can used for all types of granite, with polished, honed or Anciento[r] finishes. The panels also offer all the advantages of granite, including durability, frost resistance and maintenance friendliness, according to the manufacturer.
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