Farr Air Pollution Control (APC) has introduced an updated portable fume and dust collector that combines three-stage filtration with versatile performance and ease of use. The Zephyr II collector is intended for industrial fume source capture, and for plants requiring periodic dust collection at various locations. Applications include grinding dusts, dry dusts and other airborne particles.
Easy to move and position, the portable Zephyr II collector comes as a self-contained unit. The user needs only to plug in the 110 v power cord and compressed air line, install the fume arm, and the unit is capturing dust and fumes. Contaminants entering the collector are removed by three independent stages of filtration: a metal filter that functions as a spark trap, a spun-bond polyester main filter for fine particle removal and a carbon after filter for odors and gases. The main filter, which uses a reverse pulse cleaning system to extend filter life, offers 99.99% efficiency on 0.5 micron and larger particles. The filter is also washable for virtually unlimited service life.
Circle No. 293