The redesigned Web site at www.ArchiExpo.com features expanded content, more product images and new search facilities for a richer visitor experience.
In addition to the more than 215,000 products featured, ArchiExpo offers users over 18,000 catalogs and technical spec sheets, 5,000 press releases and 2,300 product and corporate videos. The renovated Web site is organized to provide quick and direct access to all of these resources.
Improve-ments to the site’s architecture have streamlined the search process while delivering an even greater number of results. Accessing the information on ArchiExpo has never been so easy, and several extra search features have been added to make the site even more dynamic. The new graphics give a fresh look to the site and will no doubt contribute further to our ever increasing visitor numbers. The result is more and bigger product images, a more visually exciting display of search results, promotion of the latest news, products and videos and much more. Visitwww.ArchiExpo.comfor more information.