"Zillions" of specially designed Meta Crème sealing molecules create a deep protective barrier"
Dry-Treat has just launched a new generation impregnating sealer, called Meta Crème, to protect natural stone, tile, paving, brick, concrete and grout. It's in the form of a cream, as the name implies with many unique properties and benefits.
"We had two main goals in developing Meta-Crème," said Stuart Anderson, Dry-Treat managing director and chief chemical engineer. "Firstly, to create a product which would meet the environmental standards of the future. Second was to improve on our deep penetrating, permanent bonding technology."

Meta Crème exceeds LEED world best practice VOC (carbon emissions) standards for environmentally sustainable construction materials.
Meta Crème offers more than just stain protection. Meta Crème's deep, permanent, water and oil repellent barrier keeps water, carrying dissolved minerals and impurities, well away from the surface of the stone, protecting against other common forms of damage, including: Efflorescence, salt spalling, freeze-thaw cracking and other permanent forms of water damage.
Meta Crème is also easy to use -- for both do-it-yourself consumers and professionals. The non-drip, low-odor cream is applied with a standard foam rubber paint roller, left to impregnate, then any remaining excess product is easily polished off.

Dry-Treat reports that The Meta Crème recyclable, flexible "eco pack" uses less than 40% of the material and energy to produce than traditional rigid plastic bottles, creates 89% less landfill, and takes nine times less fuel to transport the empty container.
Also of note, the product is available with Environmentally Friendly Packaging. The stand-up pouches have a much smaller "environmental footprint" than the rigid bottles they replace. Dry-Treat reports that 364,000 units of quart-sized stand-up pouches can be shipped in one truckload with 26 wooden pallets, as opposed to nine truckloads and 234 wooden pallets required for 364,000 standard quart-sized plastic bottles. According to Dry-Treat, this means nine times less effect on the earth than plastic bottles; nine times less warehouse space required; nine times less landfill space consumed and nine times less consumption of wood for pallets and paper for corrugate. Dealers, architects, installers, restorers and other building and surfacing professionals can contact Dry-Treat for a brief Meta Crème demonstration and presentation.