TORONTO, CANADA -- The construction of a luxury condominium in the prestigious Post Road neighborhood of Toronto, Canada, could arguably raise standards in the luxury residential real estates market. Designed by Page and Steele Architects Planners, the four-story, L-shaped, 170,000-square-foot building is modeled in the style of a French Chateau. The European look of this residence was completed with a green slate roof provided by North Country Slate of Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. The building, which houses 42 luxury suites, is scheduled to be finished this Fall. The European appearance was a necessary design element, allowing for harmony with existing architecture in the Post Road development. There was no question the roof would be slate, according to Hugh Magennis, vice-president of design and construction for the site's developer, Invar Building Corp. The architects agreed, stating that slate was the most appealing material in terms of quality and aesthetics.