Join us for "Taking Your Organization to the Next Level," a session dedicated to transforming your business practices. Discover strategies for setting clear agendas, encouraging participation, and driving actionable outcomes. Learn how to foster collaboration and communication, ensuring that every meeting enhances productivity and contributes to your business goals.
You will:
Pacific Shore Stones
4999 Aircenter Cir
Reno, NV 89502
Find Your Venue
Blake Christensen
Valley View Granite
Non-Natural Stone Institute member companies who join prior to the seminar can send two employees free of charge (a $198 value). For more information about membership, go to or call 440.250.9222 and ask for the NSI membership team.
Stone fabrication industry professionals, including business owners, marketing experts, and those eager to expand their businesses, connect with suppliers, and glean invaluable 'best practices' for successful operations.
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Separate registration required for CEU course
Dacia Woodworth
Natural Stone Institute
Natural stone has been the premier building material of choice throughout history, thanks to its durability and timeless aesthetic. Inherently beautiful and versatile, it’s no wonder that manmade materials aim to replicate its attributes, appearance and ultimately its desirability.
This course will compare the versatility, performance characteristics, and green building considerations for both natural stone and manmade materials. Understanding these key points will prepare you with knowledge for design concepts, applications and how to educate the consumer.
Styles change from season to season, but mother nature creates unique designs in natural stone that are historically innovative and always on trend.
Learning objectives:
Learn how your company can participate in an upcoming Stone Summit.