Gamma Zeta by Zonato has studied and achieved a new generation saw called “I-CUT” (ideal cut). After in-depth studies on customers’ requirements, the company created this machine to optimally satisfy customers’ requests for a cutting saw that was easy to use and adaptable to any work situation on marble, granite and agglomerate.
The I-CUT saw was achieved with technical characteristics that combine the utility of a normal saw with the flexibility of a CNC machine, and thus a 5-axis machine was born. The advantages of the I-CUT saw is the infinite variety of uses and no need of foundations for its positioning and assembly, according to Zonato.
The principal technological innovations of the I-CUT in respect to traditional saws regard the cutting unit called “multifunctional rotating head” with the capacity of cutting, sawing and drilling of any type of material with optimal results.
The machine is programmable for various cuts (curved cuts, profiles, copying templates and pieces drawn with CAD).