Dapaz Mineração e Indústria de Granitos Mármores has a multi-faceted operation in Brazil, with a head office in Bragança Pauslita, São Paulo, a modern slab plant in Campo Belo, Minas Gerais, and six quarries in the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.

At the plant in Campo Belo, Minas Gerais, blocks are processed on two new gangsaws, which were purchased in 2005, and two more are currently being installed.
The operations include approximately 130 employees, and stone is extracted through a variety of methods, involving diamond wire sawing and expansive mass. Annual quarry production is 6,500 cubic meters overall.

The new gangsaws produce raw slabs with optimum precision.
Fabricating plant
The fabricating plant in Minas Gerais is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery, including two gangsaws that were installed in 2005, and two more gangsaws currently being installed. Additionally, Dapaz has invested in a complete Simec plant for resin-treating and polishing slabs, including an oven to dry 30 resin-treated slabs at one time, polishing lines and automated material-handling equipment.
Dapaz has also invested in a complete Simec plant for resin-treating and polishing slabs, including an oven to dry 30 resin-treated slabs at one time.
After production is complete, the slabs are wrapped in plastic and bundled as needed, and Dapaz maintains a large inventory of material at the factory.

After the resin has cured, the slabs receive their final polish on a Simec NP 2100 RX polishing line with 20 polishing heads.
Sales and marketing
Approximately 40% of Dapaz's production is sold in block form, with the remainder being sold as slabs. The U.S. is Dapaz's top importer, bringing in nearly 52% of overall exports, virtually all in slab form. China is the primary market for block sales, and it consumes 36% of Dapaz's overall exports. Among other markets, Spain, Canada, Australia and Japan are importers of Dapaz's production.
Slabs are automatically loaded and unloaded from the polisher using the Simec “Rapid†material-handling system.

After production is complete, the slabs are wrapped in plastic and bundled as needed, and Dapaz maintains a large inventory of material at the factory.