Brasvit Granitos & Mineracao S.A. has been exporting Brazilian granites for 15 years, and is part of a group which has been trading in the import and export industry for more than 30 years. The factory is equipped with the latest in stoneworking technology, enabling the company to output a variety of finishes on a broad range of granite types.
The principal owners of Brasvit are Vittorio Tedeschi, president, and Reginald Tedeschi, vice president/director. While the fabricating facility is located in Vitoria, Brazil, Brasvit's head office is in Rio de Janeiro. Additionally, Brasvit operates several granite quarries in the state of Espirito Santo, which produce materials such as Giallo Vicenza, Yellow Santa Rita and Green Agatha; as well as one located in the state of Bahia, which is a source of Green Gloria granite.
The factory in Vitoria is complete with a range of fabrication machinery from Italy, including a Zambon cutting machine, Breton polishing line, Simec polishing line, Superaco-Demag crane, Gaspari Menotti gangsaw and Comandulli finishing line. This machinery allows Brasvit to offer a high degree of precision with honed, polished, flamed, bushhammered and water-blasted finishes to surfaces.
The company produces about 20,000 square meters of slabs and 5,000 square meters of cut-to-size pieces per month - with 80% of its production being slabs. The U.S. market comprises 72% of Brasvit's business, while the rest includes 15% to Australia and New Zealand, 10% to Europe and 3% to the Middle East.
Some recent installations completed by Brasvit in the U.S. include the Borgata Hotel in New York, which employed Green Eucalyptus granite; the Intercontinental Hotel in Cleveland, OH, which used Giallo Santa Cecilia, Brazilian Brown Pearl and Giallo Antico granites; and the Blair County Courthouse in Pennsylvania, which employed Green Ubatuba granite.