March 23-26, 2004
National Trade Productions
313 S. Patrick St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 866-285-3691; 703-706-8257
Fax: 800-883-9466; 703-706-8229
Vincent R. Migliore, 63, of Harmony Township, NJ, died on November 25, 2003, in Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, PA. Born on Sept. 16, 1940, in the Bronx, NY, he was a Navy veteran and the former owner and operator of Phillipsburg Marble Co. in Phillipsburg, NJ. After that, he was a technical consultant with the Marble Institute of America, and he wrote technical articles for a number of professional trade journals. Mr. Migliore was a strong advocate for the use of natural stone, and he worked tirelessly to promote stone at trade shows around the world.
Stone World Technical Editor Fred Hueston of the National Training Center for Stone and Masonry Trades, was featured in the December issue of This Old House magazine. Hueston's article on page 45 of the issue described how to remove stains and repair scratches in stone surfaces, such as floors and counters. Step-by-step photos demonstrating his technique accompanied the story. To find his article, visit
Any questions regarding Newsline, contact: Newsline Editor, Stone World, 210 Route 4 East, Suite 311, Paramus, NJ 07652; Fax: 201-291-9002; E-mail: