FRANKFORT, IL --The 2014 National Kitchen & Bath Association(NKBA) Design Competition is now open for entries. Exclusive to NKBA members only, the annual competition offers an opportunity to submit kitchen and bath projects that were installed between November 28, 2012 and August 30, 2013.
2013 Best Kitchen Winner
The 2013 Best Kitchen Winner was Wendy F. Johnson, CKD, CBD. Photo by Dennis Martin

In addition to receiving national industry recognition, over $50,000 in cash prizes and numerous category and specialty awards, all 2014 NKBA Design Competition winners will also be featured on and in the NKBA booth at KBIS 2014 in Las Vegas, NV, next February.

"Every year, the competition receives outstanding participation from kitchen and bath professionals across the U.S. and Canada," said John K. Morgan, 2013 NKBA President. "The Best Kitchen and Best Bath winners for 2013 incorporated hand-cut, hand-blown and LED-lit glass in their designs. We look forward to showcasing 2014's trendsetting designs from the NKBA's talented and most qualified member-designers."

Designers can enter their projects in one of six award categories, including Small Kitchen, Medium Kitchen and Large Kitchen; Powder Room, Small Bathroom and Large Bathroom. In addition, applicants have the opportunity to be considered for a number of specialty awards, which include Best Before & After, Budget-Friendly and Green and Universal Design.

All category winners will be automatically considered for Best Kitchen & Bath as well as the People's Pick Kitchen and Bath Awards. Applicants primarily from the Builder/Remodeler segment will automatically be considered for the Builder/Remodeler Award, in honor of Clay Lyon, CR, 2012 NKBA Secretary.

Participants should enter their projects with completed entry forms, clear photos, a concise design statement, elevations and a floor plan to scale. All entries must be postmarked by August 30, 2013. Winners will be honored at an exclusive awards event on February 3, during KBIS 2014.

The entry packet, which contains complete information on the competition categories, prizes, guidelines and applications, can now be downloaded from